Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gilt Noir


"It's no longer insider-y enough to be a member of the online sample-sale service Gilt Groupe. Now the company has quietly launched Gilt Noir, a membership level for the top .01 percent of its customers. Celerie Kemble, Marjorie Gubelman, Gwyneth Paltrow and Google vice president Marissa Mayer were among the 2,000 charter Noir invitees chosen by a vetting team, headed by Gilt founders Alexis Maybank and Alexandra Wilkis Wilson, that considered only shoppers who spent at least $10,000 last year through Gilt Groupe.

In addition to previewing all sales 15 minutes before they go live to the hoi polloi, Noir members will have access to special events, such as wine tastings at Christie's, cooking classes with Waverly Inn chef John DeLucie and training sessions with the U.S. ski team in New Zealand."- W magazine


  1. I get so jealous reading these things. Well firstly I am a member of gilt group, but living in Australia can't get anything posted if I bought it. Also the treatment these people get! If only I spent 10's of thousands a year in one place1 hehe

  2. Bummer, that you can't get the items available on gilt, maybe their next project should be GILT International!

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