Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Cut it out" Dr. Martens X Jean Paul Gaultier

I've always believed Dr. Martens were for two types of people. Those too cool to care about fashion and those fashion plates who were able to effortlessly were these boots with anything from a floral dress to spandex leggings and a leather jacket. I however fell out of both categories. My favorite docs were the hot pink patent leather additions and any pair thats been studded and cutomized. Until now ofcourse. The first previews of the Jean Paul Gaultier X Dr. Martens were classic mid rise with diamond cut outs. Cute but I wasn't yet sold on a pair that would suit me. A current advertisement for JPG featured a doc boot, high enough to kiss the sky and gives a sexy nod to the upcoming military trend.  I am a soldier in the army, of life. Sign me up!

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