Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Best Damn Eyebrow Tutorial, Period.

I have been asked about what I do, to my eyebrows in regards to makeup and maintenance a few times.  and its very simple. First I should tell you, I am extremely anal when it comes to my eyebrows, because I have a large face and I feel a thick, squared shape suits me best. Everyone has had their hair removal horror stories, but I can tell you exactly how I want my eyebrows in English, Spanish and Cantonese. Once the strays are removed, I use powder and an angled brush and fill in where they thin out. I've tried stencils, razors, and threading (which by the way I will never ever ever do again, Im quite partial to pain but that was just unbearable to me personally) but with very fine eyebrows, waxing seems to give me the best result with the least amount of pain, but of course do what works best for you to achieve your desired result.

  I could try to describe in a million words what to do but without a proper video tutorial it wouldn't be much fun. The bad news is, after a recent trip I am terribly sun burned and I will not be recording anything not even a voicemail! Now for the good news, I have found the *QUEEN* of all eyebrow tutorials!! Seriously, its incredibly easy and produces neat natural glamorous results. I of course wouldn't post with out trying first, I loved the results and think you will too. Check it out and let me know if this works for you or what your eyebrow tricks of the trade are.

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