Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reishi Double Ring


Double finger ring derived from Li Ching-Yuen, a herbalist believed to have lived for 256 years. The organic texture is inspired by the reishi mushroom, an integral part of Li Yuen's legendary diet of reishi, gotu kola, ginseng, and knotweed. Sterling silver. Adjustable. Limited run. $100.

Available here 

Actual Pain: New Jewelry Capsule Collection

Seattle based Actual Pain release a little series of exquisitely hand crafted silver rings inspired by the blood drinking days of old… Can you guess what movie inspired them? The sizable rings entitled the Dracul and Crowley resemble a wolf (or werewolf!) claw, perfect for piercing the flesh of innocent virgins!
Actual Pain also have The Devil’s Hand bracelet, which is sure to become the object of much adoration and lust to the hearts of those brave young women who dare to wear it. Although it is a cursed item, it does give you +4 to charisma.
So with the winter solstice right around the corner, it’s time to start saving some of your drug money for some shit that is sure to warm the black hearts of you or a loved one.

Geek Chic, Couture Ipod Cases via Harpers Bazaar

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