Zippers are showing up everywhere. Exposed on backs and fronts of dresses, across handbags and layered on this seasons hottest boots. Not only being used for function but for details, and embellishment. Giving ordinary items a hint of edge. This latest trend has also led to an entire heap of easy affordable D.I.Y's. Being the headband hoarder that I am I came across this DIY zipper headband courtesy of MJ trimming and thought I would share with fashionistas alike. Enjoy!
M&J Trimming just got these new Zipper Rosettes. Here are some ideas of how you can make your own accessories or embellish the ones you already have. It’s a great way to get the look of this seaon’s strongest trends. They have a flat back that makes them easy to stitch or glue, depending on your project. They come as individual 2 ½” Rosettes and a larger 4″ version which comes with 4 Rosettes attached as one piece. If you want to make a headband, all you need to do is get a plain headband and glue the Rosette on the side. You can also use a hair clip or a hair comb. Fall is around the corner, so have fun and start getting ready for the season making your own accessories.-MJ Trimming